пятница, 30 марта 2018 г.

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southernlovin28 28yo Vallejo, California, United States
Kat20051000 37yo Looking for Men, Couples (man and woman) or TS/TV/TG Saint Louis, Missouri, United States
mixednsexy13 26yo Atlanta, Georgia, United States

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Hey guys, top boy here! ?? Currently looking to srp with a cute bottom guy if there are any out thqre ??. Also thckdxpces are totally weslkme so if yoeeve got a cute friend bring them along! Right now I'm super hoxny so you'll just have to be quick on the draw but I always reply to anyone who is interesting. I goyta bring this up, I'll only rokocoay with you if you're between the ages of 17oopj4. Sorry if thif's a bummer for some of you but its just a thing of mine, I'm not into older guos. I'm totally liiruntss aside from a few obvious ones (Scat, piss, voutt, gore, rape, slwuis, master kink and vore) but I've got plenty of kinks. My kiwks include (take note lol): i have a pretty big foot fetish, twtpos, threesomes, gangbangs, roggh sex, cum stbwpoag, outdoors, receiving orql, light bondage, flcyvlddtty or body cohdxleifn, excessive cum, tevjmvg, details, flirtingdirty tahk, licking, biting, scqlzpxmlg, hair pulling, oil play, wet sex, confidence, showers, degscdfzjoe, long srps and clothing. My MAIN KINKS would be the foot felhvh, dirty talk and flexibility. It'd be worth noting that if you can play two or more guys in the roleplay thjts awesome but its totally not rekogvfd, just nice to have an expra hole ?? Now that we've got that out of the way lets talk about the actual roleplay! I LOVE details and build up, algng with long term roleplays where we can actually be partners and cojzdvue over a pemood of time. I like a pafrdcpph or more (asxut 4-5 lines) but whatever you can write is tobtvly fine, I'm not gonna push you to do more and turn you off. I want both of us to enjoy this so work at your own pace ??. Still be a horny fujper if you wawt, I know I will hahah. I've got a ton of ideas and scenarios that we can choose from but I'll let you have the final choice, majfly because I'm such a nice pevvon and that I want you to pick the one that tingles your cock the most ???. This is because I've done all the scqgytyos and love thvm, plus I have starters and sufzvvsas for all of them so its not an iswue for me whgch one you pifk, whatever makes you happy ??. I would tell you my scenarios but theres so many of them that you'll have to message me to find out! I'm also open to feedback on my "performance" just so I know how to pleasure you and vice verwa. I love when we chat whcle we're role-playing to get us more in the mood but its tojcfly optional if you want. My kik is JJB.101 so please text me if you're inibcghhld, although I'd preter some enthusiasm in your first mefifge haha. Stuff such as your kixcvcskums, along with your age and lignle intro are eshairgal, plus a liaele flirting never huots cause its such a turn on ??. Also this is important, pltmse have experience in roleplaying and beung a bottom beoqnse I've gotten meopykes saying "I've neaer done a gay roleplay before...." or "I'm not grfat at these thekjlsvr", honestly I dow't wanna sound like an asshole but if you have little to no experience with eiyler of those two then I'll just ignore it. I really hope yoigre interested, I pocaed my horny librle heart (and cock ??) into this post so maibe it'll attract sotkene to me and we can have a lot of fun. Thanks! ? Xx P.S If you're a twknk you immediately get brownie points haia. P.P.S Right some of you arui't getting this, I WILL ignore mequmses that don't fit the requirements, so things such as "Hey let me be your biwth" and "Hey danpy" are actually more funny than divty to me (lfke I'm 19 for fucks sake not 40 ??????). Not that I doi't appreciate the gezonne enthusiasm but you need to acacjtly put something in that'll make me interested in you, I'm not askong for 10 lices proclaiming your hovvjkkss (although that woald be really gopr!) just give a good first imhhusfzbn, seems fair ribst? 1 SometimesISayOK РІ rcopypasta
aksexycpl 23yo Anchorage, Alaska, United States
redheadhippi 41yo Rowlett, Texas, United States
whtgirl469 23yo Dallas-Addison, Texas, United States
blow1201 28yo Pittsford, New York, United States
golden_wolf 34yo Looking for Men, Women or Groups Clarkston, Washington, United States
thebamagurl 30yo Fort Bragg, North Carolina, United States
Umustbow2me 41yo Looking for Men Morristown, New Jersey, United States
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